The idea of creating the BMWCLAF
The idea of creating the BMWCLAF - BMW Clubs Latin America Federation to organize, inspect and certify BMW Clubs already existing or to be created in Latin America and the Caribbean was conceived at the annual meeting of the members of the BMW Clubs International Council in September 2008 , in Vancouver, Canada.

Munich invitation to the meeting of the BMW Clubs International Council Board of Directors
The BMW Clubs International Council invited all Presidents of the Official BMW Clubs established in Latin America to attend the meeting of the members of the Council's Board of Directors in February 2009, in Munich, Germany.
The invitation to the meeting was attended by BMW Car Club Brasil, BMW Moto Clube México and BMW Auto Club Argentina.
At this meeting it was decided to found the BMWCLAF – BMW Clubs Latin America Federation and on June 6, 2009 all Official BMW Clubs in the region were invited to attend the founding meeting in Curitiba, Brazil.

First Annual Meeting - Foundation - Assembly I
At a First Annual Meeting held in Curitiba (Assembly I), Brazil, on June 6, 2009, the BMWCLAF – BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was founded(Noticia BMW Council News 03/2009 Descargable).

Council's Meeting Sept 2009 - Welcome BMWCLAF
The BMW Clubs International Council's Meeting in September 2009 welcomed the recently founded BMWCLAF - BMW Clubs Latin America Federation.

Second Annual Meeting – Assembly II
The Second Annual Meeting (Assembly II) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in February 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America, together with the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of BMW Clubs International Council (BMW Council News 01/2010 Downloadable ).).

Third Annual Meeting - Assembly III
The Third Annual Meeting (Assembly III) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2011 in Oaxaca, Mexico, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America. (Noticia BMW Council News 04/2011 Downloadable ).).

Fourth Annual Meeting - Assembly IV
The Fourth Annual Meeting (Assembly IV) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2012 in Bogotá, Colombia, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America (Noticia BMW Council News 01/2013 Downloadable ).).

Fifth Annual Meeting - Assembly V
The Fifth Annual Meeting (Assembly V) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2013 in Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Sixth Annual Meeting - Assembly VI
The Sixth Annual Meeting (VI Assembly) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2014 in Montevideo, Uruguay, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Seventh Annual Meeting - Assembly VII
The Seventh Annual Meeting (Assembly VII) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2015 in Panama City, Panama, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Eighth Annual Meeting - Assembly VIII
The Eighth Annual Meeting (Assembly VIII) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2016 in San José, Costa Rica, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Ninth Annual Meeting - Assembly IX
The Ninth Annual Meeting (Assembly IX) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2017 in Quito, Ecuador, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Tenth Annual Meeting - Assembly X
The Tenth Annual Meeting (X Assembly) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2018 in Cusco, Peru, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.

Eleventh Annual Meeting - XI Assembly
The Eleventh Annual Meeting (XI Assembly) of the BMW Clubs Latin America Federation was held in August 2019 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with the presence of several BMW Clubs Members from Latin America.